Peer Review Process

The article submission, review and publish process in "Journal of Engineering and Construction Management (JECM)" takes place in nine general steps:

1. Registration and submission of the article (by the correspondence author)

2. Initial evaluation by the editor (at least 7 working days)

The initial evaluation of the manuscript is done by the editor or specialized secretary, and if approved by them, the manuscript is sent to the editorial board for evaluation.

3. Initial evaluation by the selected editorial board (at least 7 working days)

The articles will be reviewed, criticized and evaluated by the selected editorial board. This board is free to change and modify articles, and at any stage of the article publishing process, there is a possibility of rejecting the article by the editorial board. If the article is approved by them, it will enter the review step.

4. Review (at least 1 month)

The received articles will be review by at least two reviewers, whose identity will be kept confidential, and according to the article evaluation checklist.

If there is a need for a general review and a comparative review or sending the article to a third review, the duration of this stage will be increased.

5. Evaluation and summarization of reviewers' decision by the selected editorial board (7 working days)

The decision of the reviewers will be evaluated and summarized by the selected editorial board. If corrections are needed (acceptance is subject to corrections), the article will be sent to the author for correction. If accepted, the article will enter the step of acceptance and preparation for publication. And if rejected, the article will be archived.

6. Sending additional items by the author (up to 2 weeks)

After receiving the decisions of the reviewers, the author is obliged to send his revised article to the journal at the specified time. The author is obliged to highlight the changes in the revised article.

7. Confirmation, final acceptance and publication schedule (at least 1 month)

After making the suggested corrections by the author, the article will be re-reviewed by the journals' experts to make sure that the corrections are applied. As soon as the article is approved, the acceptance letter will be uploaded to the author's profile.

8. Editing, layout and preparation for publication (at least 7 working days)

9. Printing and publishing