Ranking of the level of social development using the TOPSIS method, case study: ten districts of Tabriz metropolis


1 PhD student of Urbanism, Islamic Azad University (Central Tehran Branch), Tehran, Iran

2 Master of Geography and Urban Planning (Housing and Urban Regeneration), Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


Today, development is the concern of many countries. However, for the development of a definition that has a general agreement, it has not been provided. Basically, development is considered as a fundamental change in economic, social and cultural variables in every society, and its realization requires the creation of coordination between its various dimensions. Socio-economic changes in recent decades have resulted in regional imbalance and over-concentration of facilities in some places and deprivation in other places. As a result, some regions performed better compared to other regions of a country and enjoyed favorable growth and development. Many societies need more than ever to plan and identify their actual and potential facilities and resources in order to strengthen the foundations of development and eliminate and adjust the imbalances and multitude of social issues and problems. Regional planning tries to create balances between regions. Therefore, in the regional planning process, the entire region should be considered as a community. Realization of management plans in a region without paying attention to social issues not only does not bring desirable results, but its negative effects will be far more. In order to allocate credits and resources among these regions, it is necessary to identify the position and rank of the regions in terms of having the blessings of development. In this research, social development of urban areas of Tabriz was measured and analyzed using TOPSIS method and 5 social indicators. According to the level of social development, the regions were divided into four levels of development.


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